Thursday, April 26, 2012

Back on the Horse!

After a long hiatus from racing because of an injury I made it back to the starting line! Twice in the past two weeks I laced up, pulled on the uniform, and stepped to the line. Twice I finished pain free and a little more confident than before.

Nine months ago it was incredibly hard for me to imagine standing up straight or moving without pain. After what seemed like an eternity, coupled with so many doubt-filled days, I managed to rehab back, build a little base, and feel the burn again. I had never been injured for any real length of time to know what it felt like to work through the physical and psychological challenges. Now though, I can attest to the great sense of accomplishment that comes with conquering a potentially difficult injury.

I had tons of help along the way - too many supporters to name (but they know who they are, so thank you!). I have been reveling in working out, going to the track, and running hard again. If all goes well moving forward look for me on the track and roads in or near San Diego!

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