Sunday, July 24, 2011

Who Can You Inspire?

This latest blog was posted at the adidas-Legacy Run Racing team blogroll. Check it out here.

A Quick Intro:

My name is Marco Anzures and I’m a professional runner based out of San Diego, CA. I competed for UCLA and graduated in 2010. I competed at all distances and notched a personal best of 29:00 for the 10k. My first professional year was one I won’t forget, a team national title, a “world” record, and many lessons learned and friends made along the way. I hope you will continue to follow my new team adidas-Legacy Run Racing and I this upcoming fall season as we chase our dreams. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Inspiration Through Action

A theme of mine over the past several months has been on the impact that we as individuals can have on the community around us. I have noticed first hand the positive influence that athletes can have on younger individuals, first through my work with school children in Cottonwood, AZ, and now as I begin coaching high school athletes in San Diego. Not only have these experiences been rewarding but also grounding. The energy and enthusiasm that kids bring to practice and play is refreshing and reminds me of why I continue to train and compete. 

I have gone from asking myself "who have I inspired" to "who CAN I inspire?". This small shift in thought has led me all the way to forming a non-profit group focused on inspiring kids to be active and lead healthy lifestyles. Together with Natasha, my girlfriend and real mastermind behind the idea, I am slowly seeing a dream become reality. Dubbed "2nd Recess", our organization will "inspire through action" and teach the value of staying fit and healthy. Every athlete can inspire in their own way, this is ours. In what way will you inspire?  

Look forward to more of my blogs and others here throughout the year! You can also find me at Marco’s Miles ( and on Facebook where you can “Like” my page!  

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