Whether you train your butt off to make an Olympic team or just to shave a few more seconds off that personal best - having someone outside your little support group give you the nod means a lot. So, on that note, thank you to Saucony and ProCompression for the support this year.
I'm pleased to be representing another local San Diego company in ProCompression. There are a lot of compression sock companies out there but I believe this has to be one of the better ones. They have a simple and comfortable compression sock (in tons of colors!) but it gets the job done in both recovery and competition.
I've only been out of college going on three years but it has become apparent that finding your support (#FindYourStrong) year in and year out to continue training is so important. It's tough for sure, but with a positive attitude and friendly spirit you will be surprised at whom you find are willing to help.
I'm going to close up with my tentative racing schedule for this spring and summer. Maybe you'll be at a few meets on this list!
April 7 - Carlsbad 5k - Open Division
April 13 - Pomona-Pitzer Invite - 1500
April 18-20 - Mt. SAC - 1500
April 28 - Payton Jordan - 1500 or 5k
May 4 - Oxy Invite - 1500 or 5k
May 19 - Bay to Breakers 12k
June 1 - Jim Bush Invite - 800 or 1500
June 2 - State Street Mile
June 5 - Summer Nights Series - Mile
June 19 - Summer Nights Series - 800
June 22 - Bonita 5k
June 26 - Summer Night Series - 1k
July 4 - Alliant Energy 8k
This makes for a long racing season and there will definitely have to be some adjustments in there to maintain fitness over the several months of racing. However, I've set myself up well early and look forward to mixing and matching these racing opportunities. I'm putting myself a little out of my element but I like that challenge.
Once again, thanks Saucony and ProCompression! Thanks for reading!
- Who can you inspire?