Keeping an extremely open mind - thanks to Coach Paul and Natasha - I headed into the race clear minded and focused on getting myself ready to compete. It was a huge boost to have lots of familiar faces around too. A good contingent of athletes from UCLA were there to compete and Forest Braden (the Boise Bruiser), mentor and friend, was also there to coach and compete. I enjoyed catching up and taking in the atmosphere of a meet again.
I wasn't only there to compete however. Natasha was also there to throw down in her first 1500 in ages. So I had to bring both my competitor and cheer hats. Natasha competed brilliantly and was rewarded with a new personal best! Very exciting!
I was next. I warmed up, performed my drills, and took all the strides I needed. Stepping to the line just before the gun I quickly remembered all the times I thought running might be impossible. "Just run" I said. Bang, the gun went off and before I knew it it was over. I won't ever remember this race for how fast I ran - slow in comparison to what I've accomplished before - but it will mark another milestone in my personal climb to find out how good I can become with a little hard work and a lot of determination.
I'm happy to say I'll have more racing opportunities heading into the summer - so look out for me! I have some confidence and I'm hitting my stride at a good time!