Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Support Team- If Running Were Nascar

I have been seriously MIA from the blog world the last two months, but that doesn't mean I haven't been hard at work! Let me rattle off the list of things I've been involved with:

1) new season of 2nd Recess, 2) continuing to coach at UCHS, 3) started a new and exciting job (the bills don't pay themselves), 4) taken on two new interesting projects that are in the works (hopefully good things to report soon!), 5) secured a new sponsor (thanks Brooks ID!) and 6) worked diligently day in and day out to return to running full-time and work through my back injury.

Now that I look at it on the screen, written neatly, it doesn't appear that my life has taken on the characteristic of a busy bee hive but it sure has felt that way. I have enjoyed the added responsibility at my part-time job and am very thankful to have a sponsor to assist me during the Olympic build-up. I have also seen the added benefits of having many things to do to take my mind off what has become an ever present part of my life - my herniated disc.

When people now ask me how I have been feeling, and they are usually referring to my back and running, I tell them that I feel like a runner with a herniated disc. I ask you to only imagine what that might feel like to place how I feel. It's actually not as terrible as one might think. On most days I can run a little over an hour at a decent trot without pain. Granted there are the bad days, less than before, but still somewhat demoralizing. Luckily, I've had the ever present support of my girlfriend, mom, and coach to keep me grounded.

The one upside to all the treatment I've had to seek out has been that Natasha and I have formed an amazing support group of trainers, chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists. Each one has been able to help me in some way and I'm very grateful for their ongoing support.

In fact, if you ever happen to find yourself in San Diego and in need of some treatment I highly recommend these individuals for their expertise and care in treatment:


Jordan Allen of Acusport Health Clinic (visit their site here.) Great all around guy, super helpful, and know his stuff. If you have an ache or pain you need to check him out!


Rudy Reyes of Alpha Trust Chiropractic Bio Cranial Center (website). Knowledgeable. I trust Rudy to keep me healthy.

Dr. Jeffers of San Diego Chiropractic Care and Sports Medicine. Also know as the "Running Doctor" - many of the nations best have come through his doors.


Gino Cinco of University City Physical Therapy. Gino will help relieve tension in your muscles and uses his biomechanics know-how to have you running more efficiently than ever.


Stephanie Borkan of Acusport. Stephanie knows her stuff and is a student of the practice.

If you struggle with injuries similar to mine or know someone who has, I invite you to contact me. I will offer any advice you may need while learning to recuperate from this injury.

I'm back on my feet and if you happen to pass through San Diego and need someone to run with - hit me up, find me on Facebook or Twitter. I'm always down for jog, trot, or run!

Until next time, Happy Running!