Monday, October 24, 2011

Injury Report/Passion

     Update: Contrary to what I reported in my last blog, it appears I do not have a defunct SI joint but rather a "protruding disk" in my lower back - proof of which was shown in the MRI I finally was able to get a few weeks ago. 
     It is nice to finally have a name for what ails me and it makes moving forward easier because now I can battle my rehab opponent face to face rather that wondering what is causing me so much pain! 
     Progress is slow....very slow, but I've cultivated enough patience now in the last 2 months to tackle anything. Plus, progress is progress and now I've been able to jog easy for a little over a week now - super cool! Keep sending your good vibes - I can feel them coming my way! 

Now to report on what I'm really stoked about: 

 University City Cross Country

     While I have been sidelined with my back injury I have been able to pour most 
of my energies into my high school cross country team which I began coaching in the summer. I have learned so much in this short amount of time - not only lessons about coaching but also lessons that can easily be applied to my own running. I have thrived off of my athletes enthusiasm for the sport and reveled in all of their successes along the way. 
     I started the season out with a tumbled group of energetic teenagers with a lot of promise but in need of a ton of direction. As I spoke they slowly began to listen, and as their new pr's rolled around more and more bought into the new team atmosphere. Now, I can proudly say I have been able to keep all 40 or so of the kids that began the year with us on the team and running injury free. We are rounding the final corner into the homestretch of the season with League, Section, and State Finals just a few weeks away. 
     I'm a proud coach every time I step on campus to run them through their practice - and I'm an even prouder when I watch them succeed and reach their goals!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hips Don't Lie

I have taken an unexpected hiatus from blog writing, but I'm back! The last several weeks have been interesting but enlightening for me. I suffered an enigmatic back injury that has sidelined me from running for over 7 weeks but it has become an injury that has taught me more about myself than my previous 10 years of training. Countless chiropractic sessions, acupuncture, physical therapy and few doctor's visits have concluded that something is up with my sacroilliac joint, commonly referred to as the SI joint. 

This joint is located on either side of your pelvis and connects the sacrum to the ilium (see photo). The joint plays an important role when you run by absorbing the impact and movement as you move. Over the years my poor postural alignment (hips and lower back) placed undue stress on the joint and created a big ball of inflammation. 

The first few weeks were especially rough. I had never had to take off more than a day or two from running because of some sort of injury. It was maddening. I wanted the pain and discomfort to just disappear with the treatments I was getting for it. It wasn't until several weeks later that I resigned myself to stop running altogether and allow it to heal properly. So, I took up swimming, which I continue to do (I'm proud to say I swam 30 minutes today!). 

This injury has taught me so much about my body and how it works. My previous understanding of our "core" has been blown apart and I'm taking a new stance on approaching the optimization of my strength and mobility. I'm still learning but the results have been noticeable. My pain has subsided and I'm hoping to begin some jogging next week! I've included yoga and pilates with my swimming and rehab routines and they are definitely mainstays as I move forward. 

However, I'm most glad this hurdle came along because my mind and body have been refreshed and I'm ready and raring to go as soon as I'm ready. I never had a healthy sense of patience but now that I've been forced to choke down my daily dosage I won't be without it again. 

Finally, I have to be eternally grateful to my girlfriend, Natasha. She has had to deal with my irritable, depressed self for more days than anyone should. She showed more compassion and concern that I could have asked for and I love her for every bit of it. Thanks Tash :)